Should you have any additional questions not answered here please do not hesitate to reach out to us by email at or speak to one of our coaches who can direct your enquiry accordingly.
All Stars & Dynamos Session Times (TILFORD GREEN):
Friday Evenings - 17th May - 5th July 2024 inclusive:
- All Stars (Yrs R, 1) 5.30pm - 6.30pm
- Dynamos (Yrs 2, 3) 6.30pm-7.30pm
TCC Academy Session Times (Thursdays - TILFORD GREEN, Fridays WAVERLEY ABBEY):
- Boys & Girls, Yrs 4, 5 & 6 - April 26th - July 12th - Friday Evenings 6.15pm -7.30pm
- Boys & Girls, Yrs 7, 8, 9 and 10 - April 25th - July 11th - Thursday Evenings 6.15pm - 7.30pm
Welfare & Safeguarding
- An award winning, accredited centre for the delivery of the ECB's All Stars & Dynamos national programmes, we always put the interests of the children at the heart of everything we do.
- Coach Ratios - We promise to maintain coach-to-player ratios within approved guidelines, but typically go far beyond that.
- Club Welfare Officer - Vicky Sadler our Club Welfare Officer is available to address any issues or concerns you may have. We promise to deal with these discreetly and effectively. Vicky can be reached on or 07786 921 007.
- First Aid - A trained first aider with appropriate first aid kit will be in attendance at every session.
Tilford Green Road Safety!
- While the main aim of the sessions is to give your children a great cricketing experience emphasising fun, skills development and teamwork, their safety is our first and main priority. Please ensure that you have spoken to your children (as we will) about the importance of staying on the Green and with their designated coaches at all times. At no point should they cross the road unaided.
- With the agreement of the council, we are once again able to close off the road to traffic on the Barley Mow side of the triangle on Friday evenings, but the roads into and out of Tilford remain open to traffic and can be busy. Your help in reinforcing this message would be much appreciated. There is also a further section on parking in and around the Green below which we would draw your attention to.
Session Registration:
- Please check your child in to their Year Group Coordinator for EVERY session so we have an accurate record of attendance.
- Parents / guardians are required to collect / 'sign-out' their child from their designated training area (which will be highlighted to you) at the end of each session.
- Parents / guardians are expected to be on-hand to assist with their child at any point during a session. Please note this is NOT a 'drop-and-go' programme and parents / guardians are responsible for their children at all times.
- The children will be in their year-groups throughout the programme. Each year-group will have its own designated area of the ground where they will train each week and will be overseen by the same coaches as much as possible to aid familiarity and skills development.
Toilet Facilities:
- Fully functioning toilets for the children can be found around the back of the Barley Mow in the garden area of the pub. Please refrain from using the toilets in the pub.
- We would ask that you encourage your child to use the toilet before each session as it can be very distracting / impinge on the safety of other participants if coaches are required to locate parents / guardians for toilet breaks. Coaches will NOT accompany children to the toilets; parents / guardians are required to do so.
Kit Requirements:
- All cricketing kit required to participate in the All Stars & Dynamos sessions will be provided by TCC. Please do NOT bring your own cricket kit unless asked to do so (i.e. for TCC Academy hardball practice) as we cannot ensure it will not be misused or lost.
- Where possible, please can your child wear their All Stars / Dynamos tops; not only does this help the coaches with name recognition, it also looks cool too!
- Please ensure your child has a filled, named water-bottle for each session, so we can keep them hydrated.
- You can also check out the club's website where a vast array of high quality merchandise can be purchased. Please check this out here:
The Great British Weather!
- Hopefully the weather gods will smile on us and we will have wall-to-wall sunshine each Thursday and Friday! Where that is the case, please do apply sun cream and feel free to send the children to the sessions with a named cap.
- On those occasions where the weather gets the better of us and / or the forecast is not looking favourable, we will send out a session update message around 2pm each Thursday / Friday confirming whether or not the session will go ahead. Please keep your eye out for these messages. We will also look to post an update on the website.
- We have a number of teams entered into the Surrey Junior Cricket Club leagues this year. We will also be participating in some round-robin All Stars / Dynamos festivals at least one of which we hope to host, and arranging friendlies where there is interest and the support from parents to organise and manage these.
- Some of these teams (especially those playing hardball cricket) require specific skills / capabilities to participate safely and therefore will be subject to a selection process under the careful guidance of our Head of Coaching - Rob Sholto-Douglas.
- We do however want to create opportunities for the most number of players to play in softball / incrediball games where it makes sense / can be facilitated and would encourage all parents of children in Yrs 3 and above that would like their children to be considered for fixtures / festivals to update their squad availability on our Pitchero website and / or to reach out to their year-group Coordinator directly. We will be sending out prompts to all members to update their Pitchero membership periodically.
YOUR Club needs YOU!!!!
- We hope we are creating an environment where all members of our growing 'family' - players, parents, siblings etc.- build a love for the game of cricket including all the social and community elements that come with that. To carry on being successful though, to add more and more teams, to deliver richer sessions and fun social events and facilities, we need even more people to roll their sleeves up and get involved. If you would like to join our coaching community, be a team manager / first aider / admin / scorer for one of our teams / run the BBQ / be on the Club's Social Committee or oversee one of the many other tasks that need doing then please, please let us know. No contribution is too small. It is hugely rewarding. Many hands do indeed make light work. Offering c. 250 children regular opportunities to play the game, we could do with some more hands!
- Tilford Village Parish Council have kindly asked that we pass on the following message in relation to parking in and around the Green. Your cooperation with this would be very much appreciated. It can get busy, so we would strongly encourage you to arrive a few minutes early to utilise the parking facilities as outlined below and to avoid the urge to park on the green if you are running late!
Parking Around the Green whilst attending TCC Juniors:
· Please park in either the Riverside car park or the Stockbridge car park if possible (Stockbridge is opposite the Tennis Courts with a safe walking path a few minutes from the Green)
· If parking around the Green please do not park in front of the post & rail fences to assist visibility for cars, residents and our children
· Please do not block the white H-Bar lines in front of the dropped kerbs to keep them clear for pedestrian & disabled access
· If parking along The Street, please follow the Highway Code and not park partially or wholly on the pavement
· Please help protect our historic Green, and do not park with wheels upon the Green
Thank you for parking safely and respectfully to keep traffic around the green flowing and allowing safe pedestrian access.